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Shakespeare with Ethel Barryjam

Ethel Barryjam is in the general store of Hotton. Talk to her to take her Shakespeare quiz, getting 1k for each right answer.

1. Which character said: "A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!"
Richard III

2. Which classic science fiction movie is actually a remake of Shakespeare's play, "The Tempest"?
Forbidden Planet

3. In what play does someone remark that, "Yond' Cassius has a lean and hungry look"?
Julius Caesar

4. The play and movie "West Side Story" is yet another adaptation of which of Shakespeare's plays?
Romeo and Juliet

5. To which of Shakespeare's plays will superstitious actors refer only as "The Scottish Play?" Macbeth

6. In which of Shakespeare's plays is one of the characters' heads turned into that of a donkey? A Midsummer's Night Dream

7. Who told Julius Caeser to "Beware the Ides of March!"?
A soothsayer

8. In which play do three witches intone, "Double, double, toil and trouble! Fire burn and cauldron bubble!"?

9. What is the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia?
They are sweethearts

10. In one of his works, Shakespeare describes a horse who is perfect in every way, ending with,
"Look, what a horse should have, he did not lack--save a proud rider on so proud a back."
Which of his works is that quote from?
Venus and Adonis

And if you want some cake:

Brush up your Shakespeare! Start quoting him now!
Brush up your Shakespeare! And the women you will wow!"
From Kiss Me, Kate.

You Completed Shakespeare with Ethel Barryjam! You earned $1000 and 25 quest points.

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