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Posted by
An & En
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
What Do You Want Us To Post On?
Dear Readers,
we would like to know what you want us to post about!
so comment on this post and many more will come, including
- copied books from the library
- new, updated versions of the fastest horses
- best tactics for winning competitions
- and many more!
An. & En.
Posted by
An & En
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
a poll
how did you find out about horseisle guide?
how did you find out about horseisle guide?Create your own myspace poll
Posted by
An & En
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
quest hints!
Keep notes! Write down who gave you the quest and where they live, and what they want. It is extremely annoying to other players when lazy questers repeatedly ask for instructions that NPCs have already given them!
Be Patient! Horse Isle is not a competition! You don't have to complete every quest immediately, and you don't have to be as advanced as everyone else. You'll get there eventually, so just slow down and think.
Use all your tools! Sometimes when you have to search for an object, the tool that comes most immediately to mind is not the one you need. Just because something is lost in the forest doesn't mean it's necessarily on the forest floor. Squirrels climb!
Posted by
An & En
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Horses have long been among the most economically important domesticated animals; however their importance has declined with the introduction of mechanization. The horse is a prominent figure in the ideals of religion, mythology, and art, as well as playing an important role in transportation, agriculture, and warfare.
Most horses perform work such as carrying humans on their backs or are harnessed to pull objects such as carts or plows. However, hundreds of distinct horse breeds were developed, allowing horses to be specialized for certain tasks; lighter horses for racing or riding, heavier horses for farming and other tasks requiring pulling power. Some horses, such as the miniature horse, can be kept as pets. In some societies, horses are a source of food, both meat and milk; in others it is taboo to consume these products. In industrialized countries, horses are predominantly kept for leisure and sporting pursuits, while in other parts of the world they are used as working animals.
Because horses and humans have lived and worked together for thousands of years, an extensive specialized vocabulary has arisen to describe virtually every horse behavioral and anatomical characteristic with a high degree of precision.
Posted by
An & En
Wednesday, December 26, 2007