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horse breed: Bashkir Curly

Though the exact origins are unknown, it is believed the Bashkir Curly that inhabits North America descended from the Russian Bashkirs that can be found on the southern Ural Mountains. Known for its curly winter coat, the Bashkir Curly is able to withstand extremely cold temperatures and dig food out from under 3 foot deep snow. An extremely hardy horse the breed is also known to be gentle and easy to train. On Horse Isle, the Bashkir Curly can only be found on snow.








(i wuv da palomino, dun, roan, and grey teehee)

a warm welcome to the baby dragon companion!!!

A rare, small, powerful, very special companion for your horse. Though it may seem odd, these two could easily be best of friends.
[ BONUS: +200 to all horse stats ]

can you believe that? its better than a foal!!!