How To Use

You're probably saying "I don't want to look through all these posts!" Well, you don't have to! Just search what your looking for at the top of the page, something like "Golden Sheep Quest" or "Buried Treasure" and a post titled that should come up! If you have any questions, just comment on any of the posts.

quest hints!


Keep notes! Write down who gave you the quest and where they live, and what they want. It is extremely annoying to other players when lazy questers repeatedly ask for instructions that NPCs have already given them!

Be Patient! Horse Isle is not a competition! You don't have to complete every quest immediately, and you don't have to be as advanced as everyone else. You'll get there eventually, so just slow down and think.

Use all your tools! Sometimes when you have to search for an object, the tool that comes most immediately to mind is not the one you need. Just because something is lost in the forest doesn't mean it's necessarily on the forest floor. Squirrels climb!

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