How To Use

You're probably saying "I don't want to look through all these posts!" Well, you don't have to! Just search what your looking for at the top of the page, something like "Golden Sheep Quest" or "Buried Treasure" and a post titled that should come up! If you have any questions, just comment on any of the posts.

Quest: Gillian's Lost First Aid Kit

Talk to Gillian on Ring Isle, to the north. She'll send you to find her dog. Just walk directly to the south, and when you find him, talk to him. He'll say he buried it somewhere by a stick. Go to the right, and once you're standing on top of the double logs, dig.

Digging in between the large pieces of driftwood on the beach, you uncover a red cloth pouch with a recognizable white cross.
This must be the first aid kit Gillian is missing!
Talk to Gillian to complete the quest.
You Completed Gillian's Lost First Aid Kit! You earned $3,000 and 75 quest points.

1 comment:

Aparajita said...

Where is Ring Isle?