How To Use

You're probably saying "I don't want to look through all these posts!" Well, you don't have to! Just search what your looking for at the top of the page, something like "Golden Sheep Quest" or "Buried Treasure" and a post titled that should come up! If you have any questions, just comment on any of the posts.

Huge ranch!

On my server, dun, there's a lady named MrsSunset! This is her ranch! I hear she has alot of kids... I shall interview her~


johnalan:D said...

u commented!
that does make u awesome.
thnk u.
this is that dude that didnt kno wat a server was, by the way. :)

Anonymous said...

DUDE!!! look at all them barns!!! how many horses she has? ill bet lika millyun!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is alot of barns.

Anonymous said...

tell me about it!

johnalan:D said...

i still dont really kno wat a server is...lololol...ok, w/e.
u comment a lot. its cool.
except 4 the point that ur comments dont rlly hav a substance. o well. :)
anyway, i added a blog thing thats much better than the other ones, so read it! :D
yeah, ok, well, u most likely live in some random state(lol), so (i wont) cya l8er. lol

johnalan:D said...

hey, man!
dont b hating yo!
if it b my first post, who gives a d***???!!!(lol, profanity!)
hey, dawg, ill get some mo posts, but u gotsta b pashent man. i just sta'ted dis fizzle lik' a few days ago, so i gotsta get some mo info on how ta do dis stuf, man! i f u wan mo posts, jis give me info on how ta make it mo gangsta, ya kno, man?
P.S. i go to a ghetto

An & En said...


a gangster.

Anonymous said...

i go on palimino server and NEEED ranch.

dat ranch i giant and ill never get dat must have loads of horsez.

tip:whoever owns it if i was them i wud have atleast 1 windmill.

thankyou for reading my comment