How To Use

You're probably saying "I don't want to look through all these posts!" Well, you don't have to! Just search what your looking for at the top of the page, something like "Golden Sheep Quest" or "Buried Treasure" and a post titled that should come up! If you have any questions, just comment on any of the posts.

all about pirate isle, the passwords, and all about the mines...

ok, the password to get to the skull side of pirate is 'matey' the pass to get back is 'landlubber'
but, before you coss, and easy way to mae moola is on that side..... gather giant coconuts! and the regular ones too! dont go off the isle to sell 'em, the store there pays the most for them!

on the skull side of camp... silver marys quest is there. a walkthrough will folow... but as you know as quests go it'll be in a while!

golden sheep quest part 2!

ok, get 40 apples and 4 horse candys. go to carrton to craft 4 apple treats

then talk to grey slate, he needs you to get his lunch from the inn owner in art isle.

go to art, ask if he sells bagles, get his lunch come back, then have grey slate send you to hotzeplotz.

talk to the king and ask if he's seen any golden sheep around. turns out, its north of the isle near the palm. go check, then give the sheep the apple treat.

next go to ardent isle. again, he's near a palm, a double one near the bottom.

then go to cresent and retreive the sheep thats there.

next, go to tail. do ninas bird quest and then go to galvin, muzzle forest, treeton.

ask him about the sheep, then go to his private isle. go to the one story cabin and find the kid in the forest. (not a big one). [for an extra bonus, talk to the kid, then go above the pond and dig. you get lotsa moola!] go back to treeton and go to tail isle. talk to nina again, and go search to the right just beyond the other trail. then go to north to the palm. retrieve the sheep and go back to eldorado isle give the sheep back to candadie.

you get 400qp and 40k

a frequently asked question...

the question is,

'were are the trainers???'

here is the answer:

speed: earton

endurance: hotton



conformation rider isle


The number was 36.

The winners are....

In first place is Any with a guess of 36!

In Second place we have a tie... I will now draw between Zark and Annakate by putting them into the hat.

Zark get second place!

Annakate is in third!

WHOOO! Please post here so we know that you know that you won!

Thanks, An and En

P.S. Congrats to all our participants-- we love you too!

the golden sheep quest, part one!

Eldorado - Talk to Hudson in Shellton. He'll send you to Sara on Bone Isle.
She'll send you to Eldorado. (start the quest here)

Ardent - Take the boat from Palm Isle.

Hotzeplotz - Talk to Grey Slate in Carrotton.

Palm Isle - Dig in the north-west corner of Mare Isle.

Mare Isle - Talk to Temperence in Treeton.

Cresent - Talk to Demetrius in Witherton.

these are the isles the sheep are located on!
(read more on 'golden sheep quest, part 2!)

has anyone noticed our ever changing profile?

well for one thing, it changes! haha, yea. you may ask 'what? why do i want to know about a stinky profile???' but, i can assure you, our profile is not all stinky.(we wash it twice a day!!!) but, whats so cool about it? well, what me and En. do is, once in a while, we change our 'Random Question' and we switch around our user profile too, so look out, next time you look at our profile, it wont be the same!

Huge ranch!

On my server, dun, there's a lady named MrsSunset! This is her ranch! I hear she has alot of kids... I shall interview her~


Yes , it's here! Comment your answer on the post....

An and I are thinking of a number between 1 and 100. Do YOU know what it is? Comment with a guess! Whoever gets closest will be the winner. Please include your server and username with your guess. Now i shall repeat the prizes!

1st: A 25exp white horse named Hunka Hunka Burnin' Love, complete with English saddle and bridle, along with a pink saddle pad and a diamond necklace for that special someone...

2nd: A dazzlingly awesome pink saddle pad along with a diamond necklace (again, for that special someone that I KNOW you're thinkin' about...)

3rd: A pink saddle pad and a strawberry!

We would do a participant one, but it would be hard to go to all your servers, since me and An only go on dun and roan. The winners will be announced on Febuary 14th, the day of LOVE! All servers can enter! 

Loads of LOVE!

*tosses flowers and chocolates*

(everyone's favorite)


FlightGlider>MovieFome: here goes ::: evrythings on record

MovieFome: kk

FlightGlider>MovieFome: so movie fome

FlightGlider>MovieFome: wats ur opionoin on the new breed?

MovieFome: its...

MovieFome: cute,though i prefer the grey color

FlightGlider>MovieFome: interesting... wat about the camel foal?

MovieFome: *laughing out loud!*

FlightGlider>MovieFome: or camel babey

FlightGlider>MovieFome: *baby*'

MovieFome: hold on yall please dont pmme im being interviewed now

FlightGlider>MovieFome: *laughing out loud!*

MovieFome: *laughing out loud!*

MovieFome: its cute

FlightGlider>MovieFome: ok.

FlightGlider>MovieFome: fav isle?

MovieFome: i like it but i prefer maybe the zebra

FlightGlider>MovieFome: ok.

FlightGlider>MovieFome: fav isle?

MovieFome: uhmm...

MovieFome: turtle

FlightGlider>MovieFome: why?

MovieFome: its pretty there

FlightGlider>MovieFome: ahhh i see

MovieFome: *laughing out loud!*

FlightGlider>MovieFome: favorite horse breed?

MovieFome: lippizan i have 1

FlightGlider>MovieFome: yes very pretty horse=)

MovieFome: yep

FlightGlider>MovieFome: favorite pastime on H.I?

MovieFome: very elegant and the lusitano

MovieFome: uhm...

MovieFome: not sure

FlightGlider>MovieFome: ok well when you think of it

FlightGlider>MovieFome: go to this website to see ur interview

MovieFome: wats pasttime though

MovieFome: kk

FlightGlider>MovieFome: http://www.unnoficialhorseisleguide.blogspot/.

FlightGlider>MovieFome: com

MovieFome: kk hold on

FlightGlider>MovieFome: then ull see ur interview!!!!

FlightGlider>MovieFome: ok?

FlightGlider>MovieFome: plus if you comment u could enter to win a free horse!!!FlightGlider>MovieFome: FREE

FlightGlider>MovieFome: cool huh?

MovieFome: yeahFlightGlider>MovieFome: so sound good?

MovieFome: yes

FlightGlider>MovieFome: allright ill put up ur interview now!

interview with Flickathemustang!

FlightGlider>Flickathemustang: you want to be interviewed?

Flickathemustang: why?

FlightGlider>Flickathemustang: its a report for a blog

Flickathemustang: ok i guess

Flickathemustang: but why pick me?

FlightGlider>Flickathemustang: i dunno

Flickathemustang: well i'll do it

FlightGlider>Flickathemustang: whats your favorite isle?

Flickathemustang: shimmer isle

FlightGlider>Flickathemustang: cool!

FlightGlider>Flickathemustang: what about your fav. town?

Flickathemustang: um i would say appleton

FlightGlider>Flickathemustang: whats your fav. place to catch horses?

Flickathemustang: any where

FlightGlider>Flickathemustang: whats your fav breed?

Flickathemustang: mustang!

FlightGlider>Flickathemustang: *laughing out loud

FlightGlider>Flickathemustang: whats the most youve spent so far on a horse

Flickathemustang: lil over 30k

FlightGlider>Flickathemustang: wow

FlightGlider>Flickathemustang: thx!

Flickathemustang: no problem

his is An., super swab An....

yes, the awesomest person in the world is here. in a post. talking. right here. now. here.WHY ARENT YOU TOTALY EXCITED IN JOYUS CHORUS(hey, that rhymes!)?? ok, ok sorry. time for the real news.

its almost time for the valentines day raffle dohiky(say it out loud now, dew - hiakay. good!) and im soo excited!(as always lol) and recently, we have had a comment on the post titled valentines day contest!!! the post was by wildvalleyhorse and if you want to learn more, then read the comment. NOTE: we cannot just randomly out of the blue have someone do reports for us. so do not. i repeat do.not comment any were saying 'well, i wanna do that TEW!!!' because for private reasons, it is not an option. we are CONSIDERING taking up WHV on her offer. she may or may not be enrolled as a HI guide 'employee' so i, An. posted this out of the true kindness of my heart so nones feelings got hurt. cuz if someones feelings got hurt, then... KAPLOOIE! bam. kapow. boom-boom what ever comes into your mind whenever you think of krakatoa. (i personally think of BLAM KRASHA BLOOM!!! lol)

anyone have any questions?

this one is not for the polls, or the comments, or the help out segment or the... yeah you get the point. this one is for the '' people who search the blog franticly to find what their looking for and they dont find it 'cus their looking for a really SIMPLE thing acept they dont tell anyone they cant find it 'cus they dont know were to comment''

wow thats a mouthfull (this is the part were you laugh.) hahahaha. ok, so if you want me and En. to post on any thing then comment on this post so your questions will be answered!


It seems the contest will have to be a raffle, because other people would see the answer when they commeneted that other people did...


you all have read the Help Out thing and just comment on this post and help out and your eligible!

Mustang Colors

ok, we've made a new poll at the bottom of the page, and if you commented 'other' then comment on this post to tell us which color of the american mustang you love best!

Valentines Day Contest!

We have a pretty good idea of what we want to do... a contest! We haven't decided what kind of contest, but here are what the prizes will be:

1st place: A white Fell Pony, with complete set of English Tack, trained to 25exp, with a pink saddle pad AND, yes there's more, AND pink clothes AND a diamond necklace!

2nd place: A diamond necklace and a guinea pig!

3rd Place: a Pink Saddle Pad and strawberries!

We will talk about what kind of contest later...

haha! lol

glitter graphics
Free Glitter Graphics

yea! our 230th post!

wow. we sure have come a long way! and for the 230th post special, we have decided to have a #1 fan observation!


AND OUR #1 FAN IS........


congrats, Aurora!

hey, who's seen the polls?

... at the bottom of the page?
well, is shows that we should do more posts on quest vid.s and i think that we should also do some construction posts!

*wink wink*

possible valentine's day party!!!

hey, En., i was thinking that we could do a little valentines party, we could change the wallpaper and the profile pic, do a special report... and i know you've been saving the golden sheep quest

were not promising anything though... but expect it!

(En., plz comment if u like the idea!)