How To Use

You're probably saying "I don't want to look through all these posts!" Well, you don't have to! Just search what your looking for at the top of the page, something like "Golden Sheep Quest" or "Buried Treasure" and a post titled that should come up! If you have any questions, just comment on any of the posts.

a party?

i was looking at the overall posties thing, and i thought, maby, it would be fun if, for our 200th post, En and i could like, change the wallpaper and stuff have cool polls and a super hard quest walkthrough and other party stuff. well, just comment on what you think( hopefully one of you who post will be en,)and ill discuss it with enilorac and hope for the best!


Anonymous said...

that sounds like a grat idea, and maby change the title to something like, 200TH POST PARTY! (without changing the URL)

you have my support, An!

Anonymous said...

i think andy is on to something there,

great idea,An!

Anonymous said...

lol everyone is commenting at the same time!


Anonymous said...

now all we have to is wait for en's approval!
